If you are tired of the long-lasting pain, pressure, and congestion caused by persistent sinus problems, balloon sinus dilation may help. Balloon sinus dilation, also known as the balloon sinuplasty procedure, is a safe, revolutionary office procedure that brings long-lasting relief after a short recovery time.
Choosing balloon sinuplasty is an important decision. That's why we want to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice. Learn everything you need to know about getting sinus relief from this simple procedure, including:
What you can expect from the balloon sinuplasty procedure
What happens before, during, and after the balloon sinuplasty procedure
How long it takes to recover from balloon sinuplasty
What others who have had balloon sinuplasty think about the procedure and their results
What Can I Expect From Balloon Sinuplasty?
The balloon sinuplasty procedure is fast, comfortable, and convenient. It’s done in the sinus doctor’s office and effectively opens your sinus pathway for long-term relief. You’ll notice clearer breathing, improved sleep, fewer sinus infections, and a better quality of life — without medication.
Here’s how balloon sinuplasty works:
The physician places a small balloon in the sinus opening
The balloon is gently inflated for about five seconds to expand the opening and restore drainage
The balloon is deflated and removed
The physician treats the next sinus passageway as needed
After Balloon Sinuplasty
Within 10 to 15 minutes after the procedure is complete, you can leave the office. You may have some gauze under your nose to collect drainage. You may change this gauze as often as you feel necessary. The drainage will lessen over 24 to 48 hours.